Wednesday, September 7, 2011

HBT Melissa and Lokhee

Im a little behind in my posts! Sorry..Ive been so busy and the few moments I have had alone Ive wanted to just sleep and relax! Okay so August 26th and 27th I  celebrated two of my friends birthdays. Friday was spent in Seoul for Melissas 23rd birthday. She rented out some space ontop of this bar called Roofers. Clearly that means we were hanging out on the roof. From there, we went to dancing at a place called Queen. It was a lot of fun!
Melissa, Natalie & Me

Me & Dana

Nat and me

me and Melissa

The next morning, my coworkers and I had to get up really early and take the bus back home. We had to go with our students to Seosan (a town next to mine) highschool where they were taking a TEFL test. Our boss wanted us to be there to support out students. We just showed up and told them good luck and then off we went on our 3 hour drive to Gwangju. Our friend Lokhee and her husband live there. She rented out a room in a night club called Mix I think for her 29th birthday. First, we all went out to dinner and then headed out to this nightclub. It was good fun. We all danced all night but my co workers and I got tired by 3 and went back to Lokhees to sleep. Everyone else stayed out much later and they said they had a great time. The next day, we all went to this place called So Blue for lunch. It tooks forever to get our food but it was delicious. We also went to this foreign food shop called "underground" there. I bought lots of yummy food like lentils, indian foods, spices, and raviolis. I would like to go back to Gwangju and shop and explore. It looked like a cool city. 

Me and Lokhee


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