Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Spoke too Soon

So Thursday I woke up feeling a little under the weather and I wasn’t too sure why. I went to school and in the morning my stomach hurting really bad and I kept having to go to the bathroom continuously. I didn’t know what was the cause of this until I realized one of my students named Gloria was sick with the same thing and they had her in school anyway. I ended up leaving school around 1PM and all the other teachers covered my afternoon classes. I went home and felt like I had a fever. I was hot and cold, had the shakes, couldn’t stand up all the way and kept going to the bathroom. I just layed in bed feeling horrible for the rest of the day. Around 10PM I was feeling slightly better and my friends came over and made me toast. I ate a little and then went to sleep. Friday morning came and I felt a little sick still but much much better. I went to school an hour late because it took me a bit to feel normal again. By late afternoon I felt fine and it was over. Another stupid stomach virus…..this is like the 3rd one Ive had in the past couple of years. Not fun at all!
Koreans insist on bringing their sick kids to school so this is probably going to be a continuous problem for me!

Here is a video of me rambling on when I was sick. 

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